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  To exalt the Savior, Jesus Christ
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Fresh Catches - Testimonies from the Mission Field



A testimony about the joy of Personal Revival.

I am involved in a bible study group . We are just completing a Study of "Seeking Him" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and TimGrisson which is a study on experienceing the joy of Personal Revival. Through this study I have had some personal experiences that have been wonderful. Revival is great in any ones life and espically mine. When I think of revival I wonder about the man who led me to Christ almost 19 years ago (09/14/1992). The revival that you held in Clayton, New York in 1992 and 1993 was a wonderful time for me and our Community. All through this study when we have talked about revival I immediately associate the name of Terry Chupp. I finally have taken the time to look on the internet and find your web site and yes drop you a note.

As I mentioned when ever we talk about revival I think of you and the impact your ministry had on my life. Our Church and Community is ready for a revival and I was wondering if you are still out casting, trolling and fishing for men? Would you consider coming to Clayton and do some fishing?

Our little Church on John St in Clayton is no longer our home. We moved two years ago to a new Church 1 mile from the stop light in Clayton and currently have about 400 members and growing. The new name of the Church is River Community Church with some of the same members and quite a few new names. We need a revival in our Community and sure hope we can make some arrangements to have you travel north to bring people to the Lord.

I have had an couple of opportunities to use your line, If you die tomorrow do you know if you are going to heaven? Well it worked in 1992 and it is still working today.

I hope to hear from you.

God Bless.

Signed - Bud Dier

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