Practical training in soul winning
On the weekend of April 27-29 our church was privileged to have Terry Chupp do a crusade. On Saturday morning of the crusade Terry taught a soul winning strategy based upon his book How To Be Wise in God's Eyes. As a pastor I have been in many soul winning classes but I have to say this is the most pratical and beneficial one I have been a part of. Terry's book is easy to read and easy to understand. We had one of our children from church who is 12 years old in the class. She was able to completely grasp the concept of this book. I believe that God truly gave Terry this stragety and it can be used by all people from the most educated all the way to young children. As a pastor this book has helped me to become a better soul winner and will help the people of our church to do so also. I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to become a more effective soul winner for Jesus!
Al Bella,
Pastor Eastside Baptist Church