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TJM Mission Statement
  To exalt the Savior, Jesus Christ
To evangelize the lost
To edify the body of Christ
To encourage the believer
To equip the saints to serve

Fresh Catches - Testimonies from the Mission Field




Brother Terry,
I have something I would like to share with you and I will try to be brief. In 2005 I became a Christian and 1 ½ years later God called me into the ministry and in 2008 I became a pastor of a local church where I served for 3 ½ years before resigning. I knew that God wanted me to continue preaching so I began to look for another church to pastor but to be perfectly honest with you I wasn’t sure that was my calling. After much prayer and soul searching I answered the call to evangelism a few months ago and I am sure in my heart that is what God has called me to do, but I had no one to teach me.

I did not know that evangelists existed anymore. I had not seen one since the 70’s. I have seen many pastors who would preach messages for revivals, but as a calling, were not evangelist. I still see that to this day. Anyway, on faith, I told some of my pastor friends and mentors that I was going to be faithful to the call and step out as an evangelist. They agreed that I had an evangelists’ heart but even they could not advise or counsel me on which way to go. So here I was, wandering in the wilderness, without direction or guidance, and then as God would have it I met you. Once again God answered my prayer. I immediately knew that we had a kindred spirit and calling: to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not only in the church but outside the boundaries of our church buildings.

I cannot tell you what a blessing you have been. Your guidance and friendship are invaluable. You have been a teacher, an encourager, and a good friend. I look forward to working together in the future and as always you and your family are in my prayers.

Chris Sullivan

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