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  To exalt the Savior, Jesus Christ
To evangelize the lost
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To encourage the believer
To equip the saints to serve

Fresh Catches - Testimonies from the Mission Field




Terry Chupp is one of the greatest fishing and hunting evangelists in the country.  He was a professional fisherman on the B A S S trail for a number of years.  He led Jay Yelas, Shaw Grigsby and many more professionals to Jesus.  I became friends with Terry while down at Sam Rayburn fishing a tournament over 20 years ago.  He has Team Jesus Ministries which you can look up on the web.  Terry goes all over the country speaking at Wild Game Dinners, plus he usually preaches wherever he goes and the results are amazing.  When I put on the 1st Fishing Expo at First Baptist Quitman about 7 years ago, I had Terry as our guest speaker.  We had about 280 men there.  We had 22 professions of faith and over 20 rededications.  He then preached on Sunday morning and we had another half dozen professions of faith.  He also teaches a soul winning clinic from a book he wrote, How To Be Wise In God’s Eyes.  He would teach that on Sunday Afternoon or Saturday if you ask him to.  This guy is as hard a worker as you will ever find. 

He was at our church last year for a revival.  When I picked him up at Lovefield we went by Bass Pro Shops.  While there, he led our waitress to the Lord and two other men—inside Bass Pro.  We went to Dairy Queen twice while he was here.  The first time he led two girls to Christ while there.  The second time he led two young men to Christ.  We had a great revival with a lot of decisions for rededication and we had about 25 take his course on soul winning.  The church was on fire when he left.  I’m telling you Ted, this man is anointed by God as an evangelist and all he thinks about is winning people to Jesus.  So, if you decide to use him, you better strap on your Jesus uniform because this man will be talking Jesus from the time he gets here until he leaves.  When he does a week-end event, he usually comes in on Thrusday or Friday and he won’t go home until Monday.  He wants to be used by God while he is here.  He works from a love offering plus expenses.  (I would suggest you guarantee him at least a couple thousand dollars.  But you would get that in a love offering after church on Sunday if you get him to preach and sing while he is here).  He lives in a suburb of Atlanta Ga. so his expenses are minimal.  He can stay with me, or someone from your church while he is here so there will be no motel bill.  He would much rather do that and get to know someone rather than stay in a motel.  Terry is a dynamic speaker.  He went to Bud’s house for the men’s fellowship when he was here last time.  He got to know Perry a little bit.  You could call my pastor, James Nickell, at 1st Quitman and get a reference from him if you want to.  Terry will also provide you all the references you want.  He is on facebook too.  I hope you decide to use him because if you do you will have a genuine Jesus Evangelist who knows how to relate to hunters and fishermen.  Terry is about 68 years old I think.  Let me know if you need any other info.  You need to check his schedule pretty quick if he is a possibility for you.  He preaches all over the country.

Thanks Larry Barnes


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